Review Experience



Energy Conversion, Thermo-Fluid & Chemical Systems

1- Energy & Buildings                                                           (Elsevier) 

                (Outstanding Reviewer, 2014, 2016)    

                (Excellent Reviewer, 2012, 2013)          


2- Energy                                                                               (Elsevier)

                 (Outstanding Reviewer, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018)    


3- Applied Thermal Engineering                                           (Elsevier)

                 (Outstanding Reviewer, 2013, 2015, 2017)    


4- Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews                      (Elsevier)

                 (Outstanding Reviewer, 2016)    


5- Energy Conversion & Management                                   (Elsevier)

                 (Outstanding Reviewer, 2016)    


6- Applied Energy                                                                  (Elsevier)

7- Int. J. of Electrical Power & Energy Systems                      (Elsevier)

8- Chemical Engineering Science                                          (Elsevier)

9- Int. J. of Refrigeration                                                        (Elsevier)

                (Outstanding Reviewer, 2016, 2017)  


10- Heliyon                                                                              (Elsevier)

11-Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments          (Elsevier)

12- Building Engineering                                                         (Elsevier)

13- Ocean Engineering                                                            (Elsevier)

14- Building and Environment                                                 (Elsevier)

15- Materials Chemistry and Physics                                       (Elsevier)

16- Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy                                                 (Elsevier)

17- J. of Drying Technology                                                     (Taylor & Francis)

18- Advances in Building Energy Research                             (Taylor & Francis)

19- Electric Power Components and Systems                         (Taylor & Francis)

20- Int. J. of Ambient Energy                                                   (Taylor & Francis)

21- Heat & Mass Transfer                                                          (Springer)

22- J. of Water Resources Management                                  (Springer)

23- Building Simulation                                                           (Springer)

24- Energy Systems                                                                 (Springer)

25- Aquaculture International                                                 (Springer)

26- Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications      (Wiley)

27- Wind Energy                                                                      (Wiley)

28- Energies                                                                             (MDPI)

29- Applied Sciences                                                               (MDPI)

30- J. of Marine Science and Engineering                               (MDPI)



Dynamic Systems, Mechanisms & Control

31- J. of Process Control                                                           (Elsevier)

                (Outstanding Reviewer, 2016, 2017)    


32- Nonlinear Dynamics                                                           (Springer)

33- J. of Vibration & Control                                                     (SAGE)

34- J. of Sound & Vibration                                                      (Elsevier)

35- Control Engineering Practice                                             (Elsevier)

36- Mechatronics                                                                       (Elsevier)

              (Outstanding Reviewer, 2018)    


37- Int. J. of Non-Linear Mechanics                                          (Elsevier)

38- Int. J. of Mechanical Sciences                                            (Elsevier)

39- Mechanism & Machine Theory                                           (Elsevier)

40- Measurement                                                                      (Elsevier)

41- J. of Manufacturing Systems                                               (Elsevier)

               (Outstanding Reviewer,  2017)    


42- J. of the Franklin Institute                                                   (Elsevier)

43-  ISA Transactions                                                                (ISA)

                 (Outstanding Reviewer, 2017)    


44- Int. J. of Greenhouse Gas Control                                        (Elsevier)

45- Thin-Walled Structures                                                        (Elsevier)

46- J. of Materials Processing Technology                                (Elsevier)

47- Computers and Electrical Engineering                                (Elsevier)

48- Automation in Construction                                                 (Elsevier)

49- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence              (Elsevier)

50- Automatica                                                                          (Elsevier)

51- Applied Soft Computing                                                      (Elsevier)

52- Chaos, Solitons & Fractals                                                  (Elsevier)

53- Mathematics and Computers in Simulation                        (Elsevier)

54- IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics                                       (IEEE)

55- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics                         (IEEE)

56- CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems                      (IEEE)

57- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics                        (IEEE)

58- IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems    (IEEE)

59- Int. J. of Robust & Nonlinear Control                                   (Wiley)

60- Optimal Control Applications & Methods                             (Wiley)

61- Int. J. of Adaptive Control & Signal Processing                   (Wiley)

62- J. of Automobile Eng. (IMECHE, part D)                                  (SAGE)

63- J. of Systems & Control Eng. (IMECHE, part I)                        (SAGE)

64- J. of Multibody Dynamics (IMECHE, part K)                            (SAGE)

65- Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications         (SAGE)

66- J. of Intelligent & Robotic Systems                                     (Springer)

67- J. of Microsystem Technologies                                          (Springer)

68- J. of Mechanical Science & Technology                              (Springer)

69- Earthquake Engineering & Eng. Vibration                           (Springer)

70- Neural Computing and Applications                                    (Springer)

71- J. of Vibration Engineering & Technologies                        (Springer)

72- Int. J. of Dynamics and Control                                           (Springer)

73- Meccanica                                                                          (Springer)

74- Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization                    (Springer)

75- Int. J. of Systems Science                                                   (Taylor & Francis)    

76- Int. J. of Control                                                                  (Taylor & Francis)

77- In. J. of Modelling and Simulation                                       (Taylor & Francis)

78- J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement & Control                  (ASME)

79- J. of Manufacturing Science & Engineering                         (ASME)

80- IFAC-PapersOnLine                                                              (IFAC)

81- Int. J. of Acoustics & Vibration                                              (IJAV)

82- Systems Science & Control Engineering                              (Taylor & Francis)

83- Vehicle System Dynamics                                                    (Taylor & Francis)

84- Ships and Offshore Structures                                              (Taylor & Francis)

85- Steel & Composite Structures, An Int. Journal                         (Techno Press)

86- Engineering Science and Technology, An Int. Journal           (Elsevier)

87- Applied Mathematical Modelling                                          (Elsevier)

               (Outstanding Reviewer, 2018)    



88- Scientific Reports                                                                                      (Nature)

89- PLOS ONE                                                                             (Public Library of Science)


Medical Processes, Bio-Processes & Bio-Medicine

90- Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing                  (Springer)

91- Int. J. of Nanomedicine                                                        (Dove Medical Press)

92- Biomedical Signal Processing and Control                         (Elsevier)

93- J. of Engineering in Medicine (IMECHE, part H)                      (SAGE)




Review Experience (for ASME / IFAC Conferences):


1- ASME IDETC/CIE 2009, Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 30-September 2, San Diego, California, USA.

 2- ASME IDETC/CIE 2010, Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August August 15-18, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

 3- ASME IMECE 2010, Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

 4- ASME DETC/CIE 2011, Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA.

 5- ASME IMECE 2011, Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 11-17, 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA.

6- IFAC 2020, 21st IFAC World Congress, 12-17 July 2020, Berlin, Germany.