MicroNanoSystems Laboratory MNSL

Droplet Microfluidics


Droplet microfluidics enables the generation of monodisperse droplets of desired size using immiscible multiphase flows. These droplets serve as individual reactors in bio (chemical) analysis. In addition to monodispersity, high throughput is also necessary for many applications, especially in synthesizing nano- and microscale materials. Therefore, high-frequency droplet formation in stable regimes (dripping and squeezing) is of great importance. In MicroNanoSystem Lab, experimental monodispersed droplet production, such as silica nanoparticles and CPG, is underway. Also, the numerical investigation of flow-focusing geometry has been carried out to determine the geometrical dimensions and flow rate ratio by which high-frequency, high mass flow rate, and monodispersed droplet formation are achievable.

Numerical simulation of Droplet formation. (a) Experimental and (b) Numerical data. Validation was carried out using the experimental data.
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